Now the Slipper Fits!

The other day, we had thunderstorms that brought much needed rain. However, those rains came in the form of torrential rains and all I could think about was the moccasin flower or lady slipper that I had promised to photograph when it had fully blossomed. I worried mostly because, for reasons beyond my comprehension, this lady slipper has been the only sample that I’ve been able to find this year. And, believe me folks, I’ve been looking!

But, I needn’t have worried. Much to my surprise and delight, it was still standing and by the next morning, the slipper looked better than it has during the days preceding the thunderstorms!

So, … for those of you waiting to see a lady slipper that now fits (in full bloom), here it is!

So, does it look like a pair of lady slippers to you? Personally, were it not for the pink color, I like the name moccasin flower better!

Politics, New England Style!

The building in this first photo used to be a train station. In fact, you can still board/disembark from the train here, it’s just that with todays economics and “streamlining,” you must purchase your ticket on board the train and I’m not certain whether or not there’s a schedule posted here. But now the building is occupied by Prides Crossing Confections … yes! yes! I have an incredible sweet tooth! I especially love their chocolate turtles … especially the ones made of milk chocolate, caramel and almonds! 😀

Pride’s Crossing Confections, Pride’s Crossing, MA

Okay! Enough about my sweet tooth. What’s important here is the political statement being made right in front of the station plain as day!

See the two benches in front of this former train station? Do you see that there’s something written on them? Here’s a closer look.

That’s politics New England style folks! 😆 I love it!

Notice, though, that no difference other than the label is made between the two benches! I took closer views so that you can see the boards are the same, the paint is peeling the same, and, I’ll even bet the splinters are the same!

So … I ask you, is this partisan politics or is it bi-partisan politics? 😐

Old Doors & Old Flowers

I love things that are “old,” they just have so much character, wouldn’t you agree? Take, for example, this front door and wisteria from a home in Essex, MA.

The wood is splitting and the paint is peeling, that front door has seen a lot of use! But then, what would you expect? After all, the home was built in 1832! 😯

By the way, Essex, MA was, in its heyday, a shipbuilding community. Can you tell?

But, while the home and door may be 176 years old, I doubt that the wisteria is anywhere near that age. Still, wisterias take at least seven years before they begin to bloom and, judging from the number of blooms and the main trunk of this plant, I’d say it has seen quite a number of seven year cycles!

It’s Apple Blossom Time in Rockport, MA

Apple (or Crabapple?) Blossoms, Rockport, MA

Happy Mother’s Day!

Refresh Button

When I posted images of violets the last time, I felt that the flowers looked somewhat wilted and I have felt a bit “guilty” for not taking better images.

You see, the violets that I had photographed were out in full sun but violets really favor wetlands and shade. So, I decided, along with a fresh batch of new violet growth, … well, at least the white colored version, … to rephotograph a few samples and to post them here. To hit the refresh button, so to speak! And, for better identification, I’ve posted a front “mug” shot, profile view and even an image of a leaf. Here they are!

Now, I believe the last time, I identified these as Northern White Violets (Viola pallens), however, judging by the “deeper lobes [than the Northern White Violets] at base of leaves” and the “upper petals twisted” which will be clearer in the next image, my thought is that this is a Sweet White Violet (Viola blanda) instead (Northeastern Wildflowers by Roger Tory Peterson and Margaret McKenney, pages 24 and 25).

But, you know what? I made another “discovery” when photographing these tiny flowers! You know how I said that they favor shade rather than full sun? Well, apparently, when they grow in full sun, they get a bit “bleached” as well. Take a look here!

This first violet was growing in shade (and note the twisted upper petals too).

This violet was growing in full sun (it’s shaded by me). Look how little violet color is in the petals!

I thought this was kind of COOL! Don’t you?! 8)

Another Comparison?

Apparently, the birds are far better gardeners than I. Take for example, my front yard ornamental crabapple tree. Granted, it is about 25 to 30 years old and in desperate need of some heavy pruning. The leaves have been getting smaller and the bark is very rough. Still, the berries have always been the “perfect” size for Robins, Cedar Waxwings, Squirrels, Raccoons, and even a Deer Mouse! I simply haven’t the heart to cut this tree down. My conscious even “struggles” with the thought of “heavy” pruning!

But, with much jealousy on my part, here is an image of the crabapple that the birds planted about 10 or 15 years ago. With no pruning, no fertilizing, the leaves are larger and healthier looking just as are the blossoms! (It has always been a larger sized fruit and I have no clue where the birds “acquired” the seed.)

What more can I say? 😕